სამშაბათი, ოქტომბერი 29, 2024
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მთავარიბლოგი"Omicron, apparently, is already in Georgia" - Dr Giorgi Pkhakadze

“Omicron, apparently, is already in Georgia” – Dr Giorgi Pkhakadze


By themselves, antibodies are not a solution and an indicator of whether you will catch the coronavirus,” Dr Giorgi Pkhakadze, an expert on public health issues, told Georgia’s First Channel.

According to him, Omicron is probably already in Georgia, because it has spread practically throughout Europe, and Georgia is part of Europe.
“December is terrible and we are doing almost nothing to stop this virus. Omicron is probably already in Georgia. We need to be pragmatic and take care of ourselves. We need to switch to highly effective vaccines, ”said Dr Giorgi Pkhakadze.
The health expert also spoke about antibody tests and noted that antibodies are not a solution to the problem or an indicator of whether you will become infected with covid.
“By the way, everyone in Georgia loves to do tests and I see that many laboratories in Georgia are making millions of money from these antibody tests. But this is only one direction. Do you know how it is? – You go, take the test and think that everything is fine now. However, not only is Covid dependent on antibodies, there is talk of a different mechanism, and research says there are other “competitors” and other tests that show that antibodies may be high, but other indicators show that the opposite is true. , this person can be attacked by a covid. Therefore, antibodies alone are not a solution to the gap, and they are not an indicator of whether or not you will become infected with covid, ”said a public health expert.
According to Dr Giorgi Pkhakadze, the validity period of a Covid passport should be a maximum of 6 months.
“The highest level of protection is 3 to 6 months after covid transfer. But the more time passes, the more this protection is lost. If I were to make decisions and really wanted to stop the spread of the virus in the world, I, for example, would issue it for three months after the transfer of the coronavirus. Why? Because we must be as protected as possible. Out of 100 people, 70 people can be protected in three months, but 30 people may be at risk, and these 30 people will spread the virus, ”Dr Pkhakadze added.

Professor Giorgi Pkhakadze, MD, MPH, PhD #drpkhakadze #accreditationge #გიორგიფხაკაძე

Source: https://pia.ge/en/news/covid-19/omicron-apparently-is-already-in-georgia-giorgi-pkhakadze

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