
Giorgi Pkhakadze, United Nations Secretary-General Independent Accountability Panel Member urges to those who are interested in bringing coronavirus vaccine into the country through individual negotiations with pharmaceutical companies.
“This signal came to me a few days ago. I want to say publicly and warn everyone that some groups in Georgia think that having individual negotiations with pharmaceutical companies about bringing a separate vaccine would be the right step.
I tell you again, this would be the wrong decision. What I am saying may crush someone’s business interests, but I will tell you one thing, do not dare to bring a vaccine in the country that will not be approved by the World Health Organization,” Pkhakadze said.
Pkhakadze declares, that the country must wait for the COVAX vaccine or the WHO, as the organization will tell which vaccine is recommended.
“If anyone has a personal interest, do not make this mistake, wait for the recommendation of the WHO, do not hurry, “Giorgi Pkhakadze said in an interview with TV Pirveli.
Professor Giorgi Pkhakadze, MD, MPH, PhD #drpkhakadze #accreditationge #გიორგიფხაკაძე
Профессор Гиорги Пхакадзе. #ПрофессорПхакадзе
Source: https://bm.ge/en/article/do-not-dare-to-bring-a-vaccine-that-is-not-approved-by-the-whoquot-/71684/